Tañong Elementary School I in its quest to provide quality education to the learners abides with the Department of Education’s Vision, Mission and Core Values. It is expected that our school treats every stakeholder with equality and fairness, runs its affair to the highest degree of morality and decency and is accountable to the decisions it would make for the interest of the stakeholders especially, the learners.
To further enhance the skills and knowledge of our learners, we will ensure that our school has a strong and healthy school culture that promotes a sense of participation, wellness, safety and security for all pupils so that they could develop their emotional being and wellness – competencies that will enable them to be self-aware and to make responsible decisions. All learners can succeed when given opportunity to learn through appropriate instruction, academic experiences and improvement in activities and they could possibly benefit from a safe and nurturing environment and positive role models. Pupils’ progress and success are enhanced when the school, parents and community work together as partners. Therefore, our school will promote active partnerships within the community.
We are aiming for an achievement and values-oriented school which strives for excellence. Hence, collaboration among the faculty staff and its community will surely produce effective and productive individuals in the future.

Since curriculum is a course of study, it must provide a good basis for life-long learning and for life in a modern democracy. The K-12 Program which the Tañong Elementary School I implements, covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education will certainly provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills which surely develop life-long learning.
Tañong Elementary School I is under the supervision of a principal who is in- charge of the administrative and supervisory functions and assisted by one assistant to the principal. The school has 39 national teachers.
Several teachers have undergone training in different subject areas, thus, providing the teachers additional skills or knowledge in the teaching learning process.
Majority of the trainings attended by the teachers were K to 12 Mass Trainings, School and Division In-service Trainings and School Learning Action Cells.